
Literature: The conflict between personal life and writing

Published in Sindh Courier

Writing about humanity and living a life that is distant from humanity, is the biggest mistake and pain for a writer, says eminent Uzbek writer Lobar Rustamova

  • A writer’s true creative life should align with what they write; it should reflect their heart’s true feelings, dreams, and desires
  • If a writer lacks genuine humanity and justice, their work will not be able to promote true human values

Jakhongir Nomozov

Our conversation partner is the renowned writer, member of the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan, recipient of the 25th Anniversary Independence Medal of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and the “Respected Woman” badge, author of over ten prose works – Lobar RUSTAMOVA.

  1. When did your interest in writing begin, and what factors encouraged you on this path?

I used to enjoy memorizing poems and monologues during lessons and performing them on stage. They would awaken a mysterious and awe-inspiring energy in my heart. Eventually, the events and incidents in the works I had read and memorized, even the authors – poets and writers – felt like unattainable peaks to me. After that, a dream arose in my heart: “Can I write like these great masters?”

I studied at the 30th general education school in the Yangiyer district. My teacher of the Uzbek language and literature, poet Kozokhon Mahmudov, was the person who clarified my interest in writing. I learned the early steps of poetry and literature from him.

I participated in the literature club at our school, where we would passionately write poems. We also prepared the “Nihol” newspaper, publishing our articles and creative works in it.

I remember the first poem I wrote was about the Vietnam War.

Lobar Rustamova - Uzbekistan- sindh courierOne day, our teacher gave us the assignment: “Write a poem about war.” This task became the first step of my creative journey. When I recited the poem the next morning, my teacher encouraged me and prayed for me. Even during my years at the university, my interest in writing continued. I would eagerly write essays and hear praise from my teachers.

I received much encouragement for my creative direction from my teacher Odiljon Nosirov, especially valuable advice about writing from my teacher Nuriddin Bobokhuzhaev. Currently, I continue my creative journey with the help of my teacher Kodirjon Nosirov. Every lesson and piece of advice from them serves as an inspiration and a source of enlightenment for my heart.

My father was a chemistry teacher, and he was also my first teacher. He taught me to respect books, never to crease pages or bend corners, and to cherish and read them. All four of my sisters followed in his footsteps and chose teaching as their profession. I graduated from school with a gold medal and completed university with a diploma with honors. I harmoniously combined teaching with creativity. I also worked in the media industry, where I learned a lot from experienced journalists.

Read: VICTIM OF JEALOUSY by Lobar Rustamova

The recognition from my family, friends, and teachers always gave me strength and motivation. I remember when my father bought me a typewriter for my writing. When my works started to be published in district, regional, and national newspapers, I felt as though I were flying in the sky with joy. In those days, the postal service was very reliable. If I sent my manuscripts in envelopes, they would always arrive on time.

  1. What themes do you typically cover in your works?

I mostly write about human values such as kindness, love, and compassion. I also write about topics like religion, ethics, living a life worthy of the name “human,” and appreciating the value of life and time. Through my creative work, I consider it my responsibility to instill these spiritual concepts into people’s minds. Writing on such profound topics inspires my heart and gives meaning to life.

  1. Which stage of writing a new work is the most important for you?

The most important part is the birth of the idea and how to present it, how to develop the story, and how to conclude it. At each stage, it’s necessary to think carefully, plan, and prepare thoroughly. That’s why I often dedicate much of my time to reflecting on the idea, ensuring it is expressed in the best possible way. Each creative work is the result of the effort of the mind and heart striving for perfection.

  1. What are your thoughts on the relationship between teacher and student?

I am fortunate to have had great teachers throughout my school, university, and professional life. Many of them have passed away, and I remember them with great respect. Even in life, I sometimes call them just to check on them. Teacher-student relationships should not be based on material gain. A teacher should be sincere, supportive when necessary, and able to guide and help correct the student’s mistakes.

I am also happy when I hear the recognition “teacher” from my students. However, there are times when I help, but later, the students don’t recognize me. With this in mind, the relationship between teacher and student should be based on real respect and sincerity, with teachers supporting the creative growth of their students and helping them correct mistakes through guidance.

  1. What is your view on the role of literature in society?

The People’s Writer of Uzbekistan and the wordsmith, Abdulla Kahhor, once said: “Literature is stronger than the atom…” Indeed, the role of literature in society is immense. For a person to reach human maturity, spirituality, and to grow, literature and books are the most important means of education. Without them, the world would be filled with people who have lost their humanity. Literature, in turn, raises the spirit of people and directs them towards true values. Thus, literature is not only the strength of language but also the powerful force of the heart.

  1. How has the publication of your works in many foreign editions influenced your creativity?

Every person experiences both good and bad days, of course. The sorrows, separations, and worries that follow one another can overwhelm a person’s spirit. I can honestly say that in the difficult situations I’ve faced, my love for writing and my pen in hand saved me, whether it was good or bad. My family and children are the meaning and happiness of my life, and just like them, my creativity always drives me forward, calling me to never give up and always guiding me with “THE BRIGHT LIGHT!”

There was a time when I read the works of world poets and writers and felt inspired. Today, living in a remote village and writing, I see that the works of a writer like me are being published in foreign editions, reaching the world, and I feel that my dreams are coming true.

This gives me even more encouragement to search more, to create better, and to write more.

Thus, every difficulty and obstacle on the path has led my creativity to new horizons, and I am now moving forward with even greater strength.

  1. What are the biggest challenges you have encountered in your creative journey, and how did you overcome them?

The greatest challenge is the matter of time, opportunity, and conditions.

In fact, the difficulties of daily life and personal responsibilities often distance women from the creative process. However, when the right time and favorable conditions are provided, the feelings and thoughts that come from a woman’s heart are expressed in a unique and natural way, and she writes beautifully.

Furthermore, a woman’s writings and creativity do not only give her the opportunity to express herself, but they also allow her to share her love, sorrows, dreams, and hopes with the reader.

  1. How do you evaluate the current literary process, and what should be done for its development?

I believe that our current works are making a significant contribution to world literature and achieving great progress.

However, the main role in making our literature known to the world is through translation. Therefore, the number of translators should increase, and their skills should improve.

This will not only strengthen the influence of Uzbek literature globally but also enhance the prestige of the Uzbek language in the world. There is great potential in introducing our language and literature to the world through young translators who are well-versed in foreign languages. The place and status of Uzbek literature on the world stage depend on these translators.

  1. What do you think about the balance between creative life and personal life?

The conflict between personal life and writing, that is, writing about humanity and living a life that is distant from humanity, is the biggest mistake and pain for a writer. A writer’s true creative life should align with what they write; it should reflect their heart’s true feelings, dreams, and desires.

In any case, a writer must be humble, sincere, and possess good qualities.

These qualities should clearly appear in their writings and give real meaning to their work.

If a writer lacks genuine humanity and justice, their work will not be able to promote true human values.

Therefore, in creative life, one should never lose their essence. What they write should reflect their heart, showcasing their inner world and virtues to the world. The right balance between a writer’s life and their creativity is the foundation of maintaining true humanity and decency

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